Yankton County Commission Meeting – Aug 6, 2024 @ 6 pm

Yankton County Commission Meeting – Aug 6, 2024 @ 6 pm

Yankton County Commissioners will have their 1st reading of the proposed updated INDUSTRIAL wind energy conversion systems regulations Aug 6th at 6 pm at the Yankton County Government Center.

The proposed INDUSTRIAL wind regulations provide some protection for non-participating families.

People need to come to the county commissioner’s meeting to let them know that those of us who live here need PROTECTION from the harmful effects of the INDUSTRIAL wind systems.

The time to be heard is now!!!

New Gen, the out of state, deep pocket llc, has submitted an application for a conditional use permit for it’s Swanlake INDUSTRIAL wind project that they want to build in our agriculture community.

They are trying to force our county to give them a CUP (Certified Use Permit) under the old ordinance. The new regulations are very close to being approved.

Current regulations are outdated due to the rapid changes in the INDUSTRIAL wind energy field.

Wind turbines have strong effects on humans, livestock, wildlife, migration, crops, and land.

Testimony/research at the Yankton County hearings attest to the low frequency sound (vibration) being felt for at least 5 miles from turbines. A local psychologist testified that her clients who live near turbines suffer from anxiety + mental illness due to the unnatural sounds, vibrations, light flicker, red blinking night lights, and electromagnetic fields from INDUSTRIAL wind systems placed near their homes.

The wind energy task force in Yankton County recognized a trend in county ordinances to increase the setbacks for turbines from homes.

The proposed Yankton County INDUSTRIAL wind ordinance provides safety measures for non -participating residences. It includes a 2 mile setback for turbines/cables from non participating property lines. it limits the height of turbines to 600 feet. The county is also protected by a required escrow account with the full estimated decommissioning cost for every turbine.

To protect our families, we must come and be counted!

Under God, the people rule!

Yankton County Commission Meeting – Aug 6, 2024 @ 6 pm


The new wind ordinance (Article 26) will be heard Tuesday, August 6th at 6pm by the Yankton County Commission at the government center in Yankton.  This will be the first of the two required readings.
An overflowing room of spirited, concerned Yankton citizens is our only chance to clearly convince the commission to approve the new ordinance as written with NO CHANGES.  This new ordinance with its two-mile setback would protect all families in Yankton County.
Our strength to a successful persuasion will be equal to our number of filled chairs.  We need you!  Please attend on Tuesday, August 6th at 6pm.  TOGETHER is the only way we can get this done!
WIND ORDINANCE passes in Yankton County Planning & Zoning Mtg

WIND ORDINANCE passes in Yankton County Planning & Zoning Mtg

THANK YOU Yankton County residents for the GREAT turnout at the Planning and Zoning Meeting last night. The main room was packed and 20+ more were in the hallway. It is clear you are concerned about large wind complexes in our county. Thank you also to residents of other counties who are concerned about what is happening in Yankton County regarding “PROPERTY RIGHTS & LOCAL CONTROL”

The ordinance passed with few changes keeping intact two main components. It will include a 2 mile setback from non-participating residents and a decommissioning plan requiring the wind company to remove everything they put in and restoring the land to pre-construction status. The first of two readings before the Yankton County Commission will be Tuesday, August 6th at 6:00pm.

Share this link with others who have an interest in what is happening in Yankton County and across the state with “PROPERTY RIGHTS & LOCAL CONTROL”. We will see you on Tuesday, Aug. 6th.


Yankton County Planning & Zoning Meeting Tues. July 9, 2024

Yankton County Planning & Zoning Meeting Tues. July 9, 2024

On Monday, June 24, 28,000 signatures were filed with the SD Secretary of State in the process of getting SB201 on the ballot in November as a Referred Law.  This historic achievement gives “We the People” an opportunity to vote and show Pierre that our land is NOT for sale and decision-making stays local.
Jim Eschenbaum, Chair & Rep Tina Mulally, Treasurer, SD Property Rights & Local Control Alliance, filing the petitions in Pierre at the SOS office.


In Yankton County, SD the first meeting to protect personal property rights is Tuesday, July 9th at 7:00pm at the Government Center in Yankton. The Planning and Zoning Board is meeting to vote on an updated wind ordinance which contains new rules and guidelines for energy companies who are looking to build large wind complexes locally. This proposed ordinance reflects a fair balance between all entities and their interests, especially much needed protection for private landowners who will live among the turbines.

Your attendance and voice are needed to make sure this updated ordinance stands “as is” and is not “watered down” to favor the deep pockets of private companies. A majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Board on July 9th will pass the ordinance to the County Commission for their consideration and approval in August.

If you have any questions call Cindy at 605-660-5153 or email YanktonCountyNotForSale@gmail.com.

The proposed wind ordinance link is included below.     

Wind Ordinance Begins on pg. 48
Large Wind Energy Systems Begins on pg. 50
Thank you, 
Cindy Konopasek
SB 201 Yankton County Captain