How Politicians are Creating a Powerless Population in Agriculture, w/ Brett Kenzy Podcast Ep. 5

How Politicians are Creating a Powerless Population in Agriculture, w/ Brett Kenzy Podcast Ep. 5


South Dakota Cattleman and R-Calf President, Brett Kenzy explains how Washington D.C. has handed control of the USDA over to corporate America. We get into how the Government is now able to “partner” with corporations with the goal of controlling farmers and ranchers carbon emissions. Also, how the real key to stoping this in the cattle industry, is stopping the enforcement of mandatory Electronic ID tags in cattle.

Other Links:

E & E News article that alerted Brett to what was happening.

Sustains Act.

Decode 6 article explaining the Growing Climate Solutions Act.

Tyson Foods Press release of their partnership with USDA

South Dakota Must Stop SB 201 & Pass HB 1219

South Dakota Must Stop SB 201 & Pass HB 1219

Climate change tyranny does NOT belong in South Dakota! The SD legislature will be considering two bills this week, and we need to communicate the needs of the citizens who live here. Write your SD legislators TODAY to vote NO on SB 201 to safeguard our ability to lead and govern ourselves close to home instead of caving to a big brother nanny state. Then tell them to vote YES on HB 1219 to protect our private property rights and to take eminent domain for private gain off the table.

The Market Created to Sell the Control of America’s Land Podcast Ep. 3

The Market Created to Sell the Control of America’s Land Podcast Ep. 3

Listen to Podcast:



The New York Stock Exchange and the SEC are trying to create a market for a new type of company called a Natural Asset Company, or NAC. Margaret Byfield of the American Stewards of Liberty explains how investors in these companies would then be able to control both public and private lands. She explains how the value of the company comes from how, “sustainable” the land is managed, giving the investors the ability to stop agriculture production. She also talks about how this could allow foreign investors the ability to control land including our National Parks.

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Link for the more information on NACs:

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